Hi there,
this my first post in the Large Format Thread. Tuesday my new camera arrived from the UK:
a Cambo Wide DS with the Schneider Super-Angulon 58 mm XL f/5.6. I use a Horseman 6x12 back for panoramas - I ordered the camera for that reason, as I had initially no intention to do 4x5 sheet film.
Well, my first take-out was a bit mixed.
The good news: looks like everything is in good condition. The lens, copal shutter and camera works all nicely.
The bad news: There is a dark slide :banghead:. Needless to say, that I did some additional images on another, much more exciting place, BUT - I forgot to remove the darkslide, and instead of six images, I just got two out the roll of film. Well then :wtf:
This one is the very, very first image I did. It's not that sharp, as I decided to go with f/32 and one second shutter time. Film is Kodak T-Max 100, developed in Tetenal Ultrafin T-Plus.
The images of this post are delivered from my new blog I started when my first film camera arrived: morefilmlesspixels.com
Its in german language, but some of you are capable to read it. The others may enjoy the images.
On Saturday, I will leave for two weeks in Italy - looking forward to do more exciting images than this one above.
this my first post in the Large Format Thread. Tuesday my new camera arrived from the UK:
a Cambo Wide DS with the Schneider Super-Angulon 58 mm XL f/5.6. I use a Horseman 6x12 back for panoramas - I ordered the camera for that reason, as I had initially no intention to do 4x5 sheet film.
Well, my first take-out was a bit mixed.
The good news: looks like everything is in good condition. The lens, copal shutter and camera works all nicely.
The bad news: There is a dark slide :banghead:. Needless to say, that I did some additional images on another, much more exciting place, BUT - I forgot to remove the darkslide, and instead of six images, I just got two out the roll of film. Well then :wtf:
This one is the very, very first image I did. It's not that sharp, as I decided to go with f/32 and one second shutter time. Film is Kodak T-Max 100, developed in Tetenal Ultrafin T-Plus.
The images of this post are delivered from my new blog I started when my first film camera arrived: morefilmlesspixels.com
Its in german language, but some of you are capable to read it. The others may enjoy the images.
On Saturday, I will leave for two weeks in Italy - looking forward to do more exciting images than this one above.
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