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Steve Hendrix
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  • Hi Steve
    sorry I didn´t see that request until today.

    yes sure, I just have to calculate a dealer price for this.
    Problem is: the Canon is nearly with no rebate I have to pay the full 3000 € for it here in Germany. But we could do a shipment with a US Lens and I cut it here ?
    On the other parts of the version 2 HCam Master TS I can offer 15 %.

    Best would be you send me a short email, so I can send you the pricelist and some more Images and we can discuss a handling for the 11-24mm.

    [email protected] or [email protected]

    Greetings from Germany

    Can you please let me know what are prices and condition of following used digital camera backs which you have for sale:

    Leaf Aptus 22M
    Phase One 21M
    Phase One P21+M

    I'm generally looking for some non-thethered digital back /for Mamiya/, which is not square format at most affordable price. Condition or megapixels are not so important for me. I can live even with sensor or LCD scratch.
    So if have any other offers matching what I'm searching for please let me know.

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