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Been scanning some of my old stuff (January 1994).
These are all from the same roll of film.

I was a 22 y.o. PhD student, and my supervisor and I arrived at La Palma observatory in the Canary Islands the day after there had been an ice storm at the summit, which was a pretty rare occurence for that latitude.

Mamiya 645 1000s, 80/1.9 lens, Fuji G400.

The 4th has been converted to B&W.


Don Libby

Well-known member
Just in case anyone wants to see just how super sharp the 240LS is I've included 2-images; a before and an after. f/16 1/1/250 ISO 400 (I forgot to reduce the ISO after removing the 2x extender). Did I mention this was handheld?

That's it for the Buffalo heading back to Tucson in the morning.



Well-known member

This might need a little explanation. Horseman 6x12 back on an Olympus Vanox Universal research microscope with episcopic DIC.


This pic had been shot at valley approach Yosemite last Aug.
Hasselblad 503cw phaseone p65+ cfe40if iso 50
View attachment 79465
Does anyone else have this image displaying very oddly in their browser? This and LandscapeLover's most recent seem to be tagged with Phase One profiles, which Firefox on OSX Mavericks doesn't seem to like at all. (Both images well worth downloading and viewing outside of the browser!)


Active member
Does anyone else have this image displaying very oddly in their browser? This and LandscapeLover's most recent seem to be tagged with Phase One profiles, which Firefox on OSX Mavericks doesn't seem to like at all. (Both images well worth downloading and viewing outside of the browser!)
Chrome doesn't like it either, really blown out in the browser.


Does anyone else have this image displaying very oddly in their browser? This and LandscapeLover's most recent seem to be tagged with Phase One profiles, which Firefox on OSX Mavericks doesn't seem to like at all. (Both images well worth downloading and viewing outside of the browser!)
The only difference I see is that it displays as a thumbnail which is a link to a larger image. Unlike just about every other image in this thread, it is not a large inline image in its own right. Is that what you are referring to? If you meant colour/brightness/detail, I don't see any difference in when I download the image and view it outside the browser (Firefox on Windows 7). I'll compare how it looks on my office system tomorrow (Firefox on OSX Mavericks).



Well-known member
Well, I don't want to interfere with you Will...but it could be that our paths are different. ;)

(Have the puns got too nerdy yet?!)

Especially puns about optics, which are so transparent…

But you are the master--I am just the pupil…I hope I get N.A.


Especially puns about optics, which are so transparent…

But you are the master--I am just the pupil…I hope I get N.A.
It's pretty plane that if we don't stop, we'll disperse everyone else from here. And that would reflect badly on us.

Ray (hey, even my name works!)


Well-known member
At the risk of destructive interference with Will and Ray's pun-fest (you two are really on the same wavelength) :LOL: The weather in the NE US become so cold, so quickly that these Canada geese must wonder what happened to the open water they landed on.

_IGP0059 by tsjanik47, on Flickr


Well-known member
I'm seeing the exact same problem...


Does anyone else have this image displaying very oddly in their browser? This and LandscapeLover's most recent seem to be tagged with Phase One profiles, which Firefox on OSX Mavericks doesn't seem to like at all. (Both images well worth downloading and viewing outside of the browser!)


The only difference I see is that it displays as a thumbnail which is a link to a larger image. Unlike just about every other image in this thread, it is not a large inline image in its own right. Is that what you are referring to? If you meant colour/brightness/detail, I don't see any difference in when I download the image and view it outside the browser (Firefox on Windows 7). I'll compare how it looks on my office system tomorrow (Firefox on OSX Mavericks).

Well I can now confirm that on my Mac, it does look entirely different to how it looked on my PC. Completely blown out in brightness.



At the risk of destructive interference with Will and Ray's pun-fest (you two are really on the same wavelength) :LOL: The weather in the NE US become so cold, so quickly that these Canada geese must wonder what happened to the open water they landed on.

_IGP0059 by tsjanik47, on Flickr
The goose with its head raised is going - "Ehhh, guys? Wake up! Can any of you move your legs?" :)



From a pre-Christmas wedding shooting in Castle Krivoklat in Czech Republic..

Leica S2 + Hasselblad HC 100/2.2 @ f/2.2 ISO640 1/125s
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