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The king is dead...

P. Chong

Well-known member
Sigh...I still have and am sometimes shooting with my H3D-39, which was bought second hand by me some 14 years ago. Interestingly, the camera was originally bought from Professional Photo Resources in Atlanta. Salesperson was Steve Hendrix! I am trying to look for the original invoice.


Well-known member
The H system was/is great. The OVF was phenomenal for sure, and I’ve got a lot of great memories wirh the H. Shame to see but I don’t think the news surprises anyone.


Subscriber and Workshop Member
If you are interested in an excellent copy, please PM me.
Thank you, but I think the XCD 135 fills that purpose. I just wasn't able to find a used one at a decent price for a while and so picked up the 150/3.2N to tide me over.

Steve Hendrix

Well-known member
Not sure where this falls on the sarcastic - real continuum. :cool:

Totally. But realistically, there is now limited availability on products that you can no longer source new but still have some passionate fans. I have a certified pre-owned H5X in my inventory today, and the price is higher than it was, say a month ago.

I don't think prices will go through the roof, but H system lenses, in particular, had been in a free fall, value-wise for the past several years. We may see at least a slight reversal of this trend.

Steve Hendrix/CI


Well-known member
I am just waiting for that surge of interest in my Bronica system...any day now...
Well, there is Silvestri helping you. I doubt we will see more advanced H DBs.

Of course there is a small possibility tha Silvestri will work magic for my Mamiya Super and Pro TL.


Well-known member
Not sure where this falls on the sarcastic - real continuum. :cool:
Totally. But realistically, there is now limited availability on products that you can no longer source new but still have some passionate fans. I have a certified pre-owned H5X in my inventory today, and the price is higher than it was, say a month ago.

I don't think prices will go through the roof, but H system lenses, in particular, had been in a free fall, value-wise for the past several years. We may see at least a slight reversal of this trend.

Steve Hendrix/CI
There's usually a grain of truth in statements made in jest. In any case, I agree with Steve. Time will tell. If price trends of Hasselblad V lenses are any indication, I wouldn't be surprised if perceptions of scarcity push prices of H-system components up, at least for the lenses which are readily adaptable on various crop sensor MF cameras.



Well-known member
... still have some passionate fans. I have a certified pre-owned H5X in my inventory today, and the price is higher than it was, say a month ago.
First wanted to say something sarcastic but then I recalled the current asking prices for Schneider 120mm f/5.6 Apo-Digitar Aspherical (perhaps best LF type 120mm lens ever made) and Fuji Fujinon C 600mm F/11.5 (excellent lens for 11x14").
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